Somerset Cricket Museum Ltd is a registered company limited by guarantee and a Registered Charity.
It makes annual returns to Companies House and the Charity Commission.
The charity is administered by a Board of Trustees which is required to operate in accordance with it’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Briefly stated, the charity should advance the education of the public in the history and development of cricket by establishing a museum for the permanent exhibition and preservation of items of educational and historic value particularly, but not exclusively, of Somerset County Cricket Club.
The President is a former chairman of the Trustees. He has no formal role in the operation of the Museum but offers advice to the Trustees.
The museum has no paid employees and relies entirely on volunteers.
The museum is a member of the Association of Independent Museums, The South West Federation of Museums and Art Galleries, Museums in Somerset, the Association of Cricket Statisticians and the Cricket Heritage Forum.
The current Trustees are:
Dr. Peter January – retired diplomat – Chairman of the Board
Sir Peter Wallis – previous Chairman
Anthony Gibson – broadcaster
Mike Unwin – retired IT Consultant (BT and Hewlett Packard) and formerly IT Manager at Westland Helicopters.
Roy Kerslake – retired solicitor – former captain, chairman and president of Somerset County Cricket Club
Alain Lockyer – sports photographer
Nigel Power – accountant
Mike Tarr – local artist
Richard Walsh – local sports journalist
James Hildreth – former professional cricketer, now a Financial Advisor
David Wood – retired civil servant – secretary to the Board
In addition:
Charles -Clive-Ponsonby-Fane is the Museum’s President
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