The Out-Grounds in Yeovil

Somerset County Cricket Club was first formed in August 1875 and originally the idea of those who had formed the County Club was not to have a home ground, but to take their matches to different grounds around Somerset and the photograph below shows the field off West Hendford, at the time a simple track beyond Beer Street, between the allotments and the Westland factory complex, which was the Somerset County Cricket ground for five First-class matches between 1935 and 1939. Cricket had clearly been played on this field for decades since in the 1901 census West Hendford was referred to as Cricket Lane. 

Both Johnson Park and Westland Sports Club were later used as out-grounds, the former for twelve First-class matches played between 1951 and 1957 and two List A matches in 1969 and 1970 and the latter for eight List A Sunday League matches between 1971 and 1978.

Reference and photograph courtesy of