Contributed by Richard Walsh (Journalist and Museum Trustee)
The Somerset Cricket Museum has recently linked up with South Somerset based Newsline which has enabled a whole new audience to access the contents.
Situated in the Priory Barn which dates from the 14th Century, the Musuem has become recognised as one of the best of its kind since it was first established back in 1989, and and receives visitors both in person and on-line from all over the world.
Newsline Chard is the Talking Newspaper for the visually and physically impaired in the Chard and Ilminster area, providing local news on audio memory stick in South West Somerset. Newsline is also available online and this can be accessed with a smart phone or pc.
Valerie Bracher the chairman of Newsline said: “ We have been going for 35 years and were originally set up by the Rotary Club since when it has grown and the equipment we use is more sophisticated. We now rent a room in the Meeting House in Alms Houses in Chard, where we operate from, although during Covid we worked from home.
“Over the years we have had a number of people involved but currently we have three people who record and edit, Graham Everitt David Peadon and myself.
“Every week we do the local newspaper and have done it without fail despite Covid, something we are proud to be able to boast.
“About two years ago we decided to add extra content to the site, recording other things as well and finding interesting articles- which is how we come to be at the Somerset Cricket Museum, where we have been recording several of the local club histories.
All of the recordings can be found on the Audio Recordings page
“We reckon that about 100 people access our services on a regular basis but we think that there might well be more people out there who would like to use our service.
“Not only do we supply to the visually and physically impaired but to people who have had a stroke and can’t hold a newspaper. We want to reach out to as many people as possible.”
Val added: “If there is anybody who would like to make use of our service they can contact and we will be able to sort it out.”
Picture shows left to right- Graham Everitt and Val Bracher from Newsline at the Somerset Cricket Museum.

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