Taunton School – Cricket History

Taunton School was founded in 1847 as Independent College, a boys-only school for dissenters – those who were not members of the Church of England. In the 1870s, the school’s governors purchased a site at the northern end of Taunton, on Staplegrove Road.

The table below shows the dates that past and present Somerset County Cricketers attended the school and the dates that they represented Somerset County Cricket Cub.

Players Name
School Dates Somerset CCC Dates
H A (Arthur) ErlebachIC1868-711879
Thomas Ford                     IC1873 (Jan-Dec)1879
Robert  Ford               IC1881-821886
Robert (R S B) SaveryIC1881-87                                              1886-89
William (E W) BartlettIC1886-871886-95 
Montague Sturt                                     IC1886-941896-1910
James MaxwellIC1895-991906-08
Charles Deane                                      IC/TS1895-19021907-13
Stanley (ES) GoodlandIC/TS1896-19001908-09
John HarcombeIC/TS1897-19001905-19
Leslie Marshall                                  TS1900-131913-31
Alan MarshallTS1900-141914-31
John (Jack) WhiteTS1903-071913-37
Laurence (L H) Key                                               TS1906-131919-22
John  (J H)  Cameron TS1926-331932-47
Harold  Fear                                           TS1914-241934
Ronald  (R A) GerrardTS1927-301935
Eric  HillTS1934-381947-51
Peter (P J) EeleTS1941-541958-65
John BakerTS1944-511952-54
David (D G) HughesTS1945-501955
Ricky BartlettTS1978-851986-92
Nicholas Pringle          TS1980-851986-91
Piran HollowayTS1987-891994-2003
Matthew Bulbeck                                    TS1993-971998-2002
Adam DibbleTS2004-092011-15
Tom AbellTS1996-20122014- (captain)
IC = Independent College – TS = Taunton School

 The photos below – one from 1985 and one from 1951 – of Taunton School’s 1st XI at the time, feature some players who later played for Somerset.

in his book Sunshine, Sixes and Cider – a history of Somerset Cricket, David Foot makes several references to Taunton School. He discusses E.J. (Ted) Tyler, who as cricket coach at Taunton School, ’taught Jack White the rudiments of flight’ and in 1909 coached John Cornish White as he made his debut for the County.

John Hemsley Cameron born in Jamaica, was ’a popular member of the school team’, and toured with the West Indian Touring team of 1906, before joining the school and latterly the County side.

In 1947, Eric Hill, again from Taunton School, and who ‘valued the chivalry of the game’, joined Somerset, along with Miles Coope and Les Angel. Foot describes Hill as a ’tall, upright’mbut a ‘bit of a disappointment’ as an opening batsman’ however his fielding either in the deep or at short leg, was an ’asset’.